As I sit here pondering why is it that when I am busy I get so much more done than when I have lots of free time where I could complete everything on my ever increasingly long to do list and never do.
I take a moment to reflect on time…
When we are young most of us are absolutely dumb struck with how slowly time moves. We want to be able to play catch/football with the big kids, go to a movie with our friends and not our family, find our first boy/girl friend so that we can fall in love and so much more. At this point in our life it is as if time stands still seemingly moving at a turtles pace and never at the fast rate of speed we wanted it to leaving us longing and eagerly anticipate our future events.
Then we grow up, graduate from school(s) and are thrust into the real world where it seems as almost immediately the process of trying to figure out how we can turn back time and at the very least find more of it begins. Gone are the days when you just looked forward to no school or traveling to our grand parents for summer vacation. Now we find ourselves looking for ways to find or keep a job, make payments of those pesky monthly bills and locate a few minutes that can help us to decompress from the days events.
What a difference 10 to 20 years can make on one’s perspective!
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