As I sat down to write this week’s blog I have the verse from Let it Snow running through my head and I wondered…
What to Blog, What to Blog, What to Blog?
I searched online for something to inspire me on what to write. I thought to myself what is on the top of everyone’s mind this time of year, Santa – Cards – Friends and Family. So I Googled these key words and found a sited called make your own Dancing Santa Card. The site DancingSantaCard.com allowed me to upload a photo and make a jolly e-card to send to my friends and family. I created one and emailed the link to those in my contact list.
I digress…What to Blog, What to Blog, What to Blog?

I digress…What to Blog, What to Blog, What to Blog?
I begin to wonder how can I tie the holiday season with digital media and social networking and use it in my blog. This is when I have what many would call a DUH moment.

Today I created a Santa e-card that was sent out electronically to friends and family, I searched for gifts online, I searched Facebook for updates on my friends’ holiday plans and I checked the status of those attending our holiday parties from our Evite invitations. Without knowing I just tied the digital age and the Christmas holiday together and found a message for my blog.
It sounds like you have a busy holiday season and I am a little jealous of that. I don’t even really feel like it is Christmas. Baton Rouge doesn’t normally get snow and no one really puts Christmas lights up. It looks just like a typical fall day around here. Then on Friday night it was expected to snow 1-3 inches so they started shutting things down and rescheduling finals at my university to prepare for a ‘disaster’. I couldn’t believe it but it did snow and everyone was in a craze about it. I am not able to decorate my condo or put a tree up with lights and stockings. I am moving back to ND in 2 weeks and will be on the road till a few days before Christmas Eve. I like to spend the whole month of December with lights, and music, and Christmas smells but will only get to enjoy about a week of Christmas this year.