This simple act of contacting a very pleasant person at the VCSU bookstore that helped me select the proper size graduation attire and didn’t even wince when I asked for it to be shipped to Maryland has me reflecting on all the positive people, staff and professors, I have encountered at this university during my tenure.
Who would have thought that when I first found the online professional degree program at VCSU that I would have also found an institution with a soul and whose commitment to students and their learning experience was so profound.
I should recognize my friend Colleen from Florida for her glowing referral of the university. Her husband was a former professor at VCSU and she couldn’t say enough nice things about the people who work at the university. As we all know, it is the people and their commitment to learning / teaching / customer service that makes a student’s higher education experience worth while and memorable.
What I should mention is that I am a non-traditional student. I register, receive counseling and attend class virtually. Yet from the moment I began the process to attend this university I was never treated as a second class citizen, it was clear that I mattered. When I was in the application stage at VCSU I received constant updates and phone calls to let me know where I was in the process and what steps I needed to take next. This initial contact reaffirmed my decision to attend this university. What can I say, I believe in communication and excellent customer service of which both were in abundance during this phase.
Did I mention that I have a type A+ personality? That’s right, I’m “perky” with an “I don’t like to lose attitude.” Say it with me…”show me the A.”
Over the course of years that I have been attending this university I have found that the communication got even better. The professors, although firm, also understood and helped guide me through the learning process. The organization of the coursework, clearly stated requiremen

Initially I thought that the communication via the internet would be impersonal, I was mistaken. Through my virtual communication with the professional staff and professors at VCSU I feel as though I have come to know each one of them and consider them among my close associates and friends.
As no man is an island, I must add that I could not have traveled my education path alone. I have an advisor who would make many students out there green with envy. She listen’s, follows’ up on her promises, finds me answers to my endless questions and makes sure that I have what I need to succeed at VCSU. She is not the traditional professor / advisor in the fact that she only has office hours and that’s all, she goes above and beyond her role and for that I say thank you.
For those out there that may be considering non-traditional learning to achieve their educational goals or attending a university in the mid-west I would offer that VCSU should be on your list of universities to check out. I have listed a few I can’s below that reiterate my stance on the excellence of receiving my education from VCSU and why I consider, and use, their staff and professors as examples of what is right with a university.
How many people out there can say?
- That they have contacted the registrar’s office and a real person answered the phone and you were able to speak with the registrar who helped you solve your problem? I can…
- That they have sent an e-mail to the registrar’s office and heard back within an hour with a response and resolution to an issue? I can….
- That they can call the bookstore and speak with any of the staff to get the books needed and shipped the same day? I can…
- That they can send off a message to a professor and hear back immediately with a response / answer? I can…
- That they can converse with the Financial Aid Office to find out what they need to do to obtain financial aid and then the office follows up with e-mails and calls to ensure that you understand and are comfortable with the process? I can…
- That they can call or e-mail the business office and talk to a real person, find out tuition payment options and have the person be friendly? I can…
- That they can e-mail an advisor an educational track question at midnight and get a response? I can…
- That they can learn about the other students in their class. That they will know fellow students likes, dislikes, favorite color, pets and much more? I can…
- That they have had a univeristy director offer to take time out of their vacation to visit you and make sure you have the career tools you need to be successful? I can...
- That they can participate in group projects from thousands of miles away? I can…
- That they receive daily updates on activities, university newsletters, invitations to events and much more? I can…
- That the university finds them whether via e-mail, text or phone to let them know about emergency campus updates? I can…
- That the university provides help to the community around them during a disaster; such as the mass flooding that Valley City recently endured? I can
There is so much more I could say about the positives of VCSU but then that would make this a book and not a blog.
Suffice to say that I am thankful that I found a university that has provided me with not only the education I needed but the academic and social networks that rounded out my collegiate experience. Just think, one side step and I may have ended up at another institution where I would have been a number and not a name and my higher educational experience would not have been so rewarding.
Perish the thought!